
Since 2019, Compusic is a cultural association (Idéell Kulturförening) for members of the music group Instant Circuit. The association owns the record labels Compusic Records and Instant Circuit Records.


Compusic Kuturförening
In 2019, we started a non-profit cultural association.
Organization number: 802466-2366

Compusic Records
In 2013 we started our first label, compusic records.
(The association was then called Grape Music)

Instant Circuit Records
In 2024-25 Instant Circuit will start a new label for their music, Instant Circuit Records

More on Compusic production group
Magnus Frenning
Carin Lundhquist
Magnus Alexanderson

Contact us:    
kulturforening (at) 
carin (at)     
magnus (at)  

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